Tuesday, December 31, 2013


**I drew a really cool January calendar printable that I'm SO EXCITED about... Then I left my computer charger in Missouri so I couldn't finish it. :( Hopefully it will be up in the next few days!! Happy New Year!**

Last year I loved having a word of the year instead of traditional resolutions. I've been thinking for the past few weeks about the word I want to focus on throughout 2014 and there is one I can't seem to run away from. 


I tend to be a little... um... all over the dang place. I really mean so so well, but follow through is tough!

Soooo. I'm going to give it my best this year. I chose 12 areas of focus and I'll be attempting to intentionally better myself in one each month of 2014.

First up: eating

I want to fuel my body (and my family's) with healthy, whole foods. 

I want to eat on purpose, for energy. Not out of boredom or emotion. 

So my January goals:

8-8oz glasses of water each day
A green smoothie each day
Switch to half decaf coffee 
Detox tea in the evening instead of snacking
Meal plan all dinners

What's your word or goals for this year?!

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